Silver Soul, Unveiled

I am happy and proud to introduce my 3rd novel, “Silver Soul,” a beach novel set in the island community of Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard, which encompasses the journey of two sisters who build new lives in the face of great loss and adversity. The story unfolds when Della, a recently widowed Marine wife and stay-at-home mom joins her newly-divorced older sister, Diana and their mother in their childhood home to recharge and gain new direction. And it is here they unexpectedly lose their mother, as she passes in her sleep. Diana and Della then decide to leave their old lives behind and start anew by combining resources to start a coffee shop, Grapes Café. Their new journey of life and love is, by no means, an easy one. But against all odds, they thrive and become “Silver Souls” like they referred to their mother as—one who can rise up and thrive in the face of misfortune, rather than be torn down by it.

I was inspired by the term, “Silver Soul” as I perceive it as sort of a silver lining around the term “old soul,” which connotes one becoming cynical and jaded after experiencing misfortune. A “Silver Soul,” however, grows in resilience and determination.

I chose the setting because, despite my love for all things ocean, anywhere in the world, Martha’s Vineyard has a unique charm, a sort of “magic” that, in my opinion, cannot be found anywhere else—even in communities similar to it like Nantucket or Cape Cod, which undeniably have their own charms. I also have the privilege of knowing some great people there, including long-time family friends, who are generational Islanders.

And due to some lively discussions I’ve had with residents about life on the Vineyard, I am also familiar with the struggles and contrasting interests that exist between year-round residents and “summer people,” some of whom own homes, but who visit the Island only seasonally. Housing availability continues to pose a stalemate for both year-round and seasonal hospitality and service workers. And to their credit, many home and business owners realize this, and make continuous efforts to reach an equilibrium for the sake of their tenants and employees; but also walk a fine line in helping those in need and preserving their cultural environment and legacy.

And even from across the opposite ocean, living in Seoul, Korea, I am inspired to see many, many novelty coffee shops, both major chain and mom-and-pop types, all thriving in their unique characters. Having asked a colleague who worked in Korean media to explain the reason behind Korea’s coffee shop explosion, she said that coffee shops were, indeed, spurred by the Recession, as they could be run on very minimal staff and inventory, and provide the “inexpensive luxury” of gourmet coffee on-the-go. And as a frequent customer to about a dozen or so coffee shops just on my street alone, I often wondered what it would be like to open one of an original design—in that magical place I love called Martha’s Vineyard. Then I decided I had to at least write about it and take it from there…

24. August 2016 by Chiara Kelly
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